A few weeks ago a friend and I saw The Bloom Brothers and I loved it! I and when I say love, I really do mean love. Anyway, after the movie I started thinking about all the movies I've seen this year, and I can honestly say I have thoroughly enjoyed 99% of the films I've seen in theaters in 2009.
It all started off with Taken. Not the greatest movie by any means, but it was incredibly entertaining, not too short, not too long, and we got to see Shannon (from LOST) well and alive. Okay, maybe the "well" part is a little off . . .
-He's Just Not That Into You and for a chick flick it was pretty darn good! I liked that it wasn't the typical girl movie and that, to a slight extent, a bit of reality was portrayed. And we got to see Will's face on the big screen and that is always a treat! If you don't know who Will is, go watch ALIAS. ;)
-Coraline 3D. I went and saw this on Valentines Day with a friend but I wasn't excited about it, so my expectations were pretty low. I was pleasantly surprised sitting in the theater by how much I was enjoying myself. And the 3D part was awesome!
-Slumdog Millionaire. I realize this came out last year, but oh well, I LOVED it! It's on my top 10 favs of all time list, maybe even top 5. If you haven't seen it yet, RUN to the nearest Red Box!
-Wolverine. Love, love, loved it! I went into the movie super excited and I was prepared to see a superhero movie, so my expectations weren't set too high. I was entertained the entire time! And let's not forget Charlie (Dominic Monaghan)! And of course a little Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds never hurt anyone . . .
-Monsters Vs. Aliens 3D. I took the kiddos to see this one and it was okay. I never would have seen it, but the kids really wanted to. Nothing to write home about though.
-Star Trek. I have never once in my life seen anything Star Trek related, but the movie looked good and I support all things JJ Abrams. I really enjoyed the movie. I'm sure it would have been way better had I had any sort of Trekkie in me, but I liked it anyway.
-Up 3D. Quite possibly my favorite Pixar movie of all time! I'm usually not very excited about Pixar, but I tell you what, had I not been so tired, I'm pretty sure I would have bawled! It was just so so cute! I want a dog like Doug!
-The Brothers Bloom. I wanted to see this when I saw the trailer. It looked like a decent movie, so I thought, why not? As I was sitting in the theater I kept thinking to myself, if this doesn't end in some ridiculously stupid way, this will be one great show! And the ending was perfect! The movie was also pretty darn funny, I laughed out loud several times. One of my top 3 favs of the year for sure!
-The Proposal. I probably would have waited for the DVD release before seeing this, but a friend suggested this or Year One and I have less than zero interest in that one, so The Proposal it was! I'm a much harsher critic of chick flicks than I use to be and this one definitely passed the test! Somewhat predictable, but not loaded with too much cheese or anything annoying like that. I got some good laughs and well, it was Ryan Reynolds.
Well, there you have it folks, my 2009 movie review thus far. Not that you asked for it, but hey, it's my blog! :) There are plenty movies I have yet to see and would like to, so I'll keep you posted.
Well, there you have it folks, my 2009 movie review thus far. Not that you asked for it, but hey, it's my blog! :) There are plenty movies I have yet to see and would like to, so I'll keep you posted.