Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Single Ladies: Handsome AND Talented

Go to concerts for bands you've never really heard of as well as for the bands you absolutely love. Enjoy the show, rock out if and when it's appropriate. However if you want to make the most of your experience, you should probably stick around after and meet the rather attractive rock stars. For example:

Mikel Jollett from The Airborne Toxic Event.

Or Noah Harmon, also from The Airborne Toxic Event.

Andrew Belle is super nice and will blow your mind with his talent.

Chatting with Joshua Radin post show is always must. Duh.

-Waiting until the crowd dies down to talk to an artist can be the best idea you've ever had or it can mean not meeting the artist at all. It's a gamble, so go with your gut.
- Paying 50 bucks to hear Joshua Radin play 2 songs from a 30 minute set is totally worth it.
-If I weren't already secure in my beliefs, I'd probably opt to become Jewish because of the magical experiences I've had at the Sixth and I Synagogue.

Post-game analysis:
-When going to a show, take the route you think is best, even in Garmin tells you to go another way. Otherwise it could end up taking you almost 2 hours to make a 20 minute drive. (Josh was still worth it).
-Bring a working sharpie.
-Think, then speak.

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